I'm a wife, a mom, a friend, a daughter, a sister and a follower of Jesus who is learning how to love God and people better. Scroll down to take a look at some of my adventures!


Our New Daily Schedule

A new year came with a new job, and subsequently a new schedule, here in the Malloy household. Jake got a job teaching math at Douglass High School, so our new schedule is:

9:20 Jake leaves for work
9:20-1:40 Tiff at home with the kids
1:40-2:40 Jake working on classes
2:40-5:00 Hang out as a family and do errands/library trips, etc.
5:00 Tiff makes dinner while Jake plays with the kids
6:45 Dinner
7:15 Bath, bedtime routine
8:00/8:30 Bedtime for both kids

Of course kids aren't this predictable, but these are the guidelines we're working on. Also, on Tuesday and Thursday, Asante goes to Little Miracles Preschool in the mornings.

Once my classes start, our schedule will look more like this:

7:30a Tiff starts working on her classes
9:00a Jake gets ready and leaves
2:00p Tiff works on classes until 5:00p

This will be our M and F schedules. TWR my momma will be here to help out with the kiddos, so I'll get more time to work on classes while Jake is at work.

I think it'll be a good change for the whole family!


Bld424 said...

That looks like a good schedule! Its something that I would like to have for our family, too, so it feels like I have time away from house things to work on things that I need to - I'm not taking a class online or anything yet, but there are so many things I'd like to learn and places I'd like to go to be ME, not mom or wife, but just ME. Like the rec center or a bible study or something!