I'm a wife, a mom, a friend, a daughter, a sister and a follower of Jesus who is learning how to love God and people better. Scroll down to take a look at some of my adventures!


Just Walk Across the Room

Sometimes you read a book that changes you. And this one was one of those. Anyone that has read anything that Bill has read, or heard him speaks, can attest to the fact that he loves God, loves the lost, is extremely humble, and tells great stories. So, as great as it was to hear all of this from him, the one important thing that sticks out to me is this:

We need to be walking by the Spirit everyday. Listening to the promptings and obeying faithfully. This is really the one rule of thumb to live by in general, and specifically when it comes to sharing with people about Jesus.

I've seen this one idea FREE people from this "burden of evangelism". I'm one of those. Twenty-five students and staff have walked through this book together for the last month, and we've seen God work in some COOL ways. And people have gotten EXCITED about "just walking across the room" in obedience to the Spirit. It's easy. It's fun. It's spirit-filled (how can you go wrong?!).

It emphasizes reliance on the Father, not on ourselves (our tools, our gimmicks, our forcing things when the Spirit doesn't want us to, our guilt).

It's really the only evangelism training one needs. Authentic and freeing- those are the two adjectives I would use to describe this book/study.