I'm a wife, a mom, a friend, a daughter, a sister and a follower of Jesus who is learning how to love God and people better. Scroll down to take a look at some of my adventures!


Faith of My Fathers

Faith of My Fathers is by a guy named Chris Seay, who pastors Ecclesia of Houston, TX. Basically this book a dialogue between his grandfather, father, and himself about various issues that pastors have to deal with, ranging anywhere from Family to Burn-out to Politics. I was excited to read this book because I was hoping to better understand some of the generational differences that we have in the church, and maybe a little wisdom about overcoming those!

Well, I have to tell you that I was highly disappointed. Chris and his brothers(?) Robbie and Brian, along with conversation facilitator Donald Miller basically dominated the conversation. They are all fairly young, and have the "Our generation has this all figured out the right way" attitude. Of course, I would generally side with many of the conclusions they made on the different subjects, but I wasn't looking for someone to affirm my conclusions-- i was looking for a conversation that helped me to broaden my understanding.

At the end of each chapter, Chris would do a 1-2 page wrap-up. In many cases, I didn't like his perspective/attitude in this part.

I'm left wondering what his real intentions were in writing this book. I suppose that the editing of the conversations could have been a big part of the way things were represented. Maybe if they would have put more of the dialogue in, or would have kept the conversation between Chris, his father-in-law, and grandfather, it would have been a more productive book.

I would give this one 1 or 2 out of 5 stars.