I'm a wife, a mom, a friend, a daughter, a sister and a follower of Jesus who is learning how to love God and people better. Scroll down to take a look at some of my adventures!


Renovation of the Heart (chapter 2)

Chapter Two: The Heart in the System of Human Life

Six basic aspects of human life are:
1. thought
2. feeling
3. choice
4. body
5. social context
6. soul

We must confront the fact that our society is very feelings driven. People nearly always act on their feelings, and think it only right. Christians must confront this lie in spiriutal formation.

Western culture is a culture of rejection. That's part of what comes with modernity. This has seeped into the church and it is dangerous, dangerous. We are created to be in relationship with other people, and when we are not in right relationship with others, it kills the soul. In 1 John, John talks about the fact that if we say we love God but hate our brother, we are a liar. Being in a right relationship with God and others are both sooo important. This really make sme want to love on people, recognizing them and trying to show them that they have value.